Start Date: 19 October 2011

Start Time: 07:00 PM

End Date: 19 October 2011

End Time: 09:00 PM

Location: Ngee Ann Adelaide Education Centre

Members: SGD 25.00

Non-Members: SGD 1500.00

Early Bird Discount: SGD 0.00

Early Bird End Date:

Presenter: Matt Fourie

Investigation Process Questions that would change your life as a Project Manager – guaranteed!

Matt Fourie, CEO and Founder of KEPNERandFOURIE™, will present a process of Divergent and Convergent Thinking that will make all the difference of how you will view incidents, problems and solution from then on. It is all about gathering the right information from the right people when finding a solution or solving an incident. It all starts with the correct and most accurate Incident Statement. Have you ever struggled making a decision or finding a solution? Have you ever wished you knew where to start when investigating an incident?

During this session Matt will demonstrate why some people are struggling to get going with an effective investigation or solution finding exercise. He will demonstrate a fool-proof approach that will give you the right starting point every time, which would make your job as a Project Manager so much easier. He will also show how you would be able to use the same processes to help with collaboration and influencing others. Ultimately he is going to share the type of questions to ask to achieve all of the above effortlessly!

We Thank Ngee Ann Adelaide for sponsoring the event venue
